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Mother Hips shows in MP3
This portion of the website has probably been the most frustrating for visitors to the Grotto. As some of you old-timers may know, there used to be an assortment of streaming Real Audio Mother Hips shows. Two years ago, I switched hosting facilities and lost my Real Audio server, leaving nothing but a bunch of dead links I never bothered to remove. During this time, Abob launched The Hips Shack featuring an archive Mother Hips shows in MP3 format, not to mention lyrics, guitar tablature, and a frequently updated news page. This is exciting stuff...I hit his site 3-4 times a day just checking for new shows. So, taking our cue from and giving props to The Hips Shack archive, The Grotto is proud to unveil its own MP3 archive. In time, I'd like to offer up all of the old Real Audio shows in MP3 along side shows I have since acquired. Enjoy!

For an introduction to the MP3 format, please visit www.mp3.com. The Hips Shack also has extensive documentation on getting the most out of MP3.

Complete Shows
03/03/2000 - The Zephyr Club - SLC, Utah
The first of two fabulous nights at the Zephyr, featuring the premier performances of "Timesick Son of a Grizzly Bear" and "This is Where I Belong" by the Kinks. From Smoke to Superwinner, the boys were on. Recording courtesy of David Stilwill.

03/04/2000 - The Zephyr Club - SLC, Utah
���My friends and I road-tripped 8 hours to Salt Lake City for the weekend. We had a blast. This, the second of two shows at The Zephyr Club, is notable for the long-awaited return of "Sunshine Feel", a cover of the Everly Brothers' "I'm On My Way Home Again", and the overall high-energy rock & roll. Recording courtesy of Scott Jones.

Assorted Live/Unreleased
Sin City
Daisy & Joaquin
Take Us Out
The Angry Waters
Sing Me Back Home
Sarah Bellum
Thank You Tierra Dievers
California Way
The Losing End w/Dana Jensen
The Only Solution
Well Runs Dry
Sad Songs & Waltzes
Recordings courtesy of David Stilwill.

The Grotto: A Mother Hips Fan Page
Denver, Colorado
URL: http://www.the-grotto.com
Last Update: 03/19/00

Problems? Questions? Comments? Contact your humble webmaster.